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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Small Business Blog: Can Your Customers Contact You?

Small Business Blog: Can Your Customers Contact You?

I visit a lot of small business owners’ websites. Sometimes I need to get in touch with the business whose site I’m on immediately, but other times I’d just like to send them an email because I’m tied up with something else and can’t get into all my questions on the phone.

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Small Business Blog: Can Your Customers Contact You?

Photography Marketing Tips For Hiring A Graphic Designer


By now you probably understand how important it is that your marketing materials have a consistent look and feel and that they look professional. Yet we often hear small business owners say, I just can’t justify or afford a graphic designer. So I’m going to be a marketing piece template here and use this co-op marketing piece there. And for now this price menu I laid out myself will have to do.

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Small Business Blog: Can Your Customers Contact You?

Small Business Strategies: Is Your Small Business Being Innovative

It is not often when watching television with my husband, that he jumps out of his chair saying that the product being advertised is the coolest thing he has ever seen. Well, when he saw this Bagster, he went crazy. Being an architect and spending his days around job sites and dealing with huge, heavy dumpsters, he was so excited to see this cool alternative to waste management!

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Small Business Blog: Can Your Customers Contact You?

Who is Coming to Your Small Business Website?

We all invest time and money into our websites because we feel like it’s a must-have to show we’re a legit small business. In fact, it was probably one of the first things you invested in when you decided to start your business. But how does it make you money?

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Small Business Blog: Can Your Customers Contact You?

Small Business Strategies: Reaching New Clients

This weekend I ran on a popular city trail in Dallas. It was cooler than usual for September, but still warm. Thousands of people had the same idea I did and were out walking, running, biking and roller-blading on the trail.

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Photography Ideas For Staying Focused

Photography Ideas For Staying Focused

This spring I was lucky enough to meet the CEO of Behance and author of Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality, Scott Belsky, at his New York City office. Talk about a great guy with a very cool vision!

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Get Creative Inspiration for Tomorrow’s Family Session

This time of year I have family session after family session and after spending the past few months photographing them all, I am OUT of ideas. I’m sure many of you feel the same way, you book a client and they all want the same thing, the perfect family portrait. So...

Small Business Blog | Before You Quit Your Day Job….

Cubicles can feel like prison, and I know you’d rather dive nose-first into your passion—working for yourself, snapping photos, teaching fitness, creating artistic pieces, or searching for the next really super- cool-but-impossible-to-find product. Let’s be honest,...

The Power of a Dynamic Dog Whistle

Often I talk about the dog whistle marketing pieces I use to signal to the right clients that I’m the photographer for them. Here’s how it worked for me in the airport flying home from speaking at Wedding MBA (and how it can work for you, too). I sat next to a woman...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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