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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Small Business Blog: Take The Leap

Small Business Blog: Take The Leap

Today is Monday. Are you going to spend your week being “busy,” or are you going to start something. Here is what I say. Jump. Run. Sprint. Connect. Kick. Leave. Takeoff. Embark. Just START! To be successful in small business, you must jump. You must take leaps. You must make something new. You must push yourself to create things that will thrill your clients and prospects.

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Small Business Blog: Take The Leap

Marketing Blog: Is your website turning prospects away?

Whether you are marketing a brick and mortar business or an online business, certain things hold true for your website (well, and your marketing in general). You must sell the benefits not the features. Maybe you have heard people say “sell the sizzle, not the steak.” In other words, you MUST talk about what the product does for the consumer instead of the product itself. People want to feel good, to have better taste, more free time, better relationships, etc.

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Small Business Blog: Take The Leap

Marketing Blog: How To Stretch Every Marketing Dollar You Have

By now you likely understand that investing in a strong brand allows you to charge more for your products or services. The evidence is clear when companies like Rolex, Ritz-Carlton, and Mercedes-Benz command (and receive) a large premium for their products and services. You can bet they aren’t printing their business cards on a laser printer at home!

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Small Business Blog: Take The Leap

Small Business Blog: Pushing Through The Pain

My high school cross country coach used to tell me it’s the days you feel the worst and push through that make the most difference in taking you to the next level. The days that it feels easy and like you can conquer the world are your reward for pushing through the pain when it hurts.

I think it’s similar as a small business owner when we face challenges.

Everyday isn’t going to be rosy.

It’s not all going to be easy.

There will be times you dislike it.

There will be periods when you question why.

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Small Business Blog: Take The Leap

Facebook Fan Pages – A Must Have?

With limited resources as a small business owner, where should you put your time and efforts? Many of you have asked whether or not a Facebook Fan page is worth your time and effort. If you do it right, it certainly is! Here’s why.

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Small Business Blog: Take The Leap

Small Business Strategies: You Have To Plan To Succeed

This month, in Cafe Joy, we demystify the planning process with our small business strategies. The word “plan” scares many small business owners, but if you want to succeed, you need to embrace the process. There are several definitions where I think many people get confused and overwhelmed. Let me simplify this process for you and let’s see if that can help. If you want more info, join Cafe Joy to receive an hour long jolt of audio caffeine.

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Small Business Blog: Take The Leap

Small Business Strategies: Don’t Discount Add A Value-Added Incentive

For our first Small Business Marketing Ideas Podcast, Sarah and I discuss one of our favorite topics, Discounting!

When you discount, you devalue your brand, teach your best clients to wait for a sale, and attract the wrong type of buyers – those who are price-sensitive. You set yourself up for problems that stick around far longer than the period you have discounted your products or services. In other words, a one day sale, can have much longer lasting effects on your brand than just the sale day.

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How Does Your Photography Pricing Compare?

When starting a new photography business, one of the biggest hurdles is deciding how to price your photography. So we at the Photography Business Institute, an educational resource for over 90,000 professional photographers, surveyed 1,828 professional photographers...

How to Price Photography | 5 Photography Price List Tips

Are you wondering how to price your photography so that you can actually take home a paycheck from all the work you’re doing? ...Especially when you already hear from potential clients that “you’re too expensive.” You know you want to make more money from your...

The Easiest Way to Get Photography Referrals

  I just got back from spring break, and jumped right back into brainstorming with my studio manager Andria, who just got back from maternity leave. We came up with a GREAT idea that I HAVE to share with you on how to get photography referrals from previous...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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