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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

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Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

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Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

If you’re a photographer and ready to take a leap into the world of high school senior portraits or you are looking for the hottest education on shooting high school seniors check this out.

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Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

Marketing Advice: 3 Times to Upsell a Client

Last week I visited a small business with a good friend. We each had appointments for a skin care service. My friend had received a service from this business before, but I had not. After a long week, we were ready for a little pampering.

We had made appointments for specific services, but given how infrequently my friend and I take time for pampering, we were in the mood to be upsold. Much to our disappointment, no options for add-on services were given to us. Our plastic cards were on the counter, yet we left purchasing no more than our original service.

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Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

Small Business Challenge: Do you live to work or work to live?

Many small business owners are deemed to be workaholics by most peoples’ standards. Putting in long hours is often what it takes to create and build a profitable small business. So many times, the lines between work life and home life are blurred. I know many of you put your kids to bed and then go back to work to catch up. And many of you work from home, thus blurring those lines even more.

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Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

Profitable Marketing Strategy: Strive to Make Their Jaws Drop!

A friend recently shared a story with me that beautifully demonstrates how owners of very small businesses should strive to service their clients if they don’t want to compete on price. I had to pass it along!

Sydney, a 13 year old dog, has a standing appointment at a local groomer to get her hair and nails trimmed.

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Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

Photography Branding Success Story

Last week, I spoke to one of our Cafe Joy members, Jill Vander Zwaag, and was thrilled to hear that she literally, just purchased our Jumpstart Your Brand product a few weeks ago, listened to the audio, worked through the workbook and already has results!

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Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

Achieving Success: Are You Hiding in Your Small Business?

I’ll admit it. I have a tendency to hide sometimes. Maybe it comes from the Midwestern work ethic. When things aren’t going how you want them to, you put your head down and work harder. So I surround myself with learning materials. I seek out educational resources. And I STOP producing.

Don’t get me wrong. Education is fantastic. I schedule time for it at least every other day in my life, if not daily. But it may just be 30 minutes here or an hour there. I don’t dedicate days at a time or even weeks to doing nothing but hiding on forums or with educational resources.

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Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

Boutique Marketing: The Little Things Matter in a Big Way in Small Business

A few weeks ago I received a generous, unexpected gift from a coaching client. As I opened the box, packaged by one of my all-time favorite national retailers, I was thrilled with the attention to detail! The box included beautiful tissue, a coordinating sticker and the packing list in a nice paper sleeve with a string closure. A very nice presentation EXCEPT the packing list was sticking haphazardly out of the paper sleeve and not closed the way it was intended to be. I know the design team at this retailer took care in choosing the materials for a gift to arrive.

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Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

Grow your small business: 5 Ways an IPhone/Smartphone App Can help!

Introducing – the Sarah Petty Photography FREE Iphone app!

When you are looking for small business marketing ideas to grow your small business, sometimes, it is worth looking in unexpected places. It is no longer a time when you can simply buy television, radio or newspaper ads to grow your business.

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Win a Scholarship to SPA 2011!

Try This Marketing Idea – Celebrating Anniversaries

This week I received an anniversary card in the mail. It wasn’t my wedding anniversary, though. Instead it was from the finance department of the company where I purchased my car one year (and one month) ago.

A nice gesture, but the card was a canned card sent out by the manufacturer. It had just a few personalized sections for my name and the date I purchased my car. The sentiment was nice, though.

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A Marketing Idea for Photographers with Big Hearts

We all have causes and organizations that are near and dear to our hearts. And because those organizations are usually non-profits, there’s a constant need for help with fundraisers. As a photography business owner, there’s a way for you to help them out and get new...

5 Essential Steps that Shape Your Photography Marketing Plan

Think back to when you first started your photography business, even if it was just last month. What was it that got you excited to give it a try? Was it the ability to spend more time with your family? You know, that power to be able to say, “Hey, I’m going to spend...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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